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White label

Learn how to enhance your brand image with this functionality.

Manuel Sagarra avatar
Written by Manuel Sagarra
Updated over a week ago

With Routal and a North Star licence you can customise the interface your customers will see. This tool will allow you to enhance your brand image and offer your customers a personalised experience that is consistent with your corporate identity.

What is white label?

It is a strategy that allows you to customise the application withyour own brand identity. This means that you will be able to adapt the visual appearance, colours, logo and other graphic elements of the platform to perfectly match your corporate image. In this way, your customers will perceive the application as a natural extension of your brand, which will strengthen your brand recognition and create a more consistent and coherent experience.

How to set it up

Within Customers you will find the Styling section, which will allow you to customise the visual appearance for your platform's clients. You will be able to configure the following elements:

  • Your company logo

  • Header background (you can choose between an image or a colour)

  • Primary colour

  • Secondary colour

With a few simple settings, you can achieve a coherent and attractive appearance, enhancing your corporate image.

Contact us through our support chat for personalised help! Our team will be happy to provide you with the necessary assistance.

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